Like to know more about the law?
Community legal centres are dedicated to providing legal education programs for community groups and organisations.
Community legal education seminars and workshops are an effective way to make our legal system more approachable and understandable. Centres tailor community education programs so that participants:
Have increased access to legal information
Understand their legal rights and obligations
Are given information to avoid legal problems
Are empowered and can help themselves

Examples of Community Education Seminars previously conducted include:
Family Law Information - Residence, Contact, Child Support and general Family Law conducted for Parents Support Group
Domestic Violence and Restraining Orders
Debt and Bankruptcy
Youth and Children's Rights conducted for schools/universities, youth workers and the Police
Understanding the Social Security System conducted for universities, TAFE workers and community groups
Disability discrimination Issues
Neighbourhood Disputes - Mediation conducted for the community
Divorce and the Law conducted for social workers, women's and men's groups and community organisations
If your organisation or group is interested in hosting a seminar, please discuss your needs with your nearest community legal centre or one of the specialist centres.